Get to know us

The Story So Far

'The Conspiracy of Artists' is a collective title for our group, featuring artists of the North West region.

We started this community because we noticed an abundance of artistic talent in our area. But It was surprising that although many of us knew of each other, there was no central hub to bring us all together. Also, many artists would ask how to get started in the local art scene. It became apparent that they were wandering around the peripherals, wanting help and a sense of belonging, but there wasn't a focused community for them to join.

So, last year, we put together a simple Facebook group to help. This became a valuable forum for us all. It's a place to ask questions, get help from the community, and generally chit-chat about shows we've done and experiences we've learned. It became a fun, nonjudgmental, and safe environment for all. That, in turn, led to informal coffee meet-ups, where there was such a rapid-fire exchange of information and enthusiasm that we soon realized just how much we really needed this.

Next came our Instagram site, which was swiftly followed by our Website.

That, in turn, has grown into our first collaboration. We are excited to produce our show here at the Jacklin Center.

We thank the JACC for its access and support of this project and the Jack Bannon Fund for the Arts and Ellen Travolta for their generous grant. We couldn't have done it without this supportive network, and we're grateful for your part in it.

So, that's the story so far. The Conspiracy of Artists (COA) is growing rapidly, and if you are an artist, we welcome you to join usas a fellow art 'conspirator.'

So, why all the birds wearing hats?

Nothing really. The name of the group was based on one of my pencil artwork pieces, 'A Conspiracy of Ravens.' Originally I just needed a place filler name for the group. But when I asked what we should really call it, it was voted unanimously as the name we should keep the name. People liked it, and it stuck. - Keith Harrop

Our team

Our strength lies in our individuality. Set up all by myself, we strive to bring the local artists of the NW region together.

But as you can see, help is always appreciated. So please join my team if you want to get involved and help out the local art community

Founder: Keith Harrop